Gas inspections and chimney sweeping in Spain

Are you aware of the Regulations on Thermal Installations in Buildings (RITE) in Spain? If you’re a homeowner, it’s crucial to understand these regulations, especially when it comes to gas inspections and checks.

Gas Inspections vs. Checks: What’s the Difference?

While both gas inspections and checks are mandatory, they serve different purposes. Gas inspections are for general gas installations, whereas gas checks are specifically for boilers, tanks, heaters, and other similar devices.

The Importance of Regular Boiler Reviews

For devices up to 70kW, which is the most common individual system, a boiler review is mandatory every two years. As the owner, you’re responsible for ensuring that the check is carried out within the established period. This check can be performed by any authorized professional, whether it’s a gas supplier, the boiler supplier, or an independent technician.

Community Boilers and High-Power Boilers

Community boilers are checked every 2 months, and the company with whom the community has signed a maintenance contract is in charge of the checking. Boilers with a higher power (greater than 70kW) should be checked every year. If you have a boiler with a maximum power output of 24.4kW (11 liters), it should be checked every 5 years.

StartGroup PropertyCare: Your Partner in Maintenance

If you need any help with servicing your gas boilers, aircon units, or chimney sweeping, StartGroup PropertyCare can assist you with all aspects of maintenance. We can also help you obtain the necessary certificates to ensure that your installations are safe and up-to-date. It really is worth it!

Chimney Sweeping: A Mandatory Requirement

According to Spanish law, it is mandatory to have your chimney swept at least once a year to ensure that it is safe and up-to-date. In fact, some insurance policies specify that the chimney must be swept annually or biannually. In the event of a chimney fire, a certificat de ramonage (cleaning certificate) will be required as proof that your duty has been fulfilled.

If you need help with chimney sweeping or obtaining the necessary certificates to ensure that your installations are safe and up-to-date, StartGroup PropertyCare can assist you with all aspects of maintenance.

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