Pascal van der Woude – certified real estate agent in Spain

What brought you to Spain and how long have you been on the Costa del Sol?
I have been living on the Costa del Sol now for just over 25 years. Before coming to the Costa del Sol, I was living and working for 3 years in Gran Canaria. After my period on the Canary Islands I returned to the Netherlands for almost 3 years as well, but I could not really get used to the routine there anymore after living in Spain.
That is why I decided to return to Spain, but now to the mainland as I felt that possibilities were limited on the islands. I do not regret my choice for the Costa del Sol at all, as I think, after being here now for half my life, that this is most likely one of the most privileged areas in Europe to live!
Where are you from and how many languages do you speak?
I am born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
I speak 4 languages fluent: Dutch of course, English, German and Spanish.
Further I can come around with the French language depending on the subject!
Why do I love working in real estate?
I started working in real estate in the year 2001. And ever since I have had the opportunity to meet thousands of clients of which many have become friends as well. To assist our clients in finding the ideal permanent or holiday home gives a fantastic feeling! 
There are not many jobs in which your clients become friends, but here it happens all the time!