After being on summer holiday on the Costa del Sol for 3 consecutive years, we decided to go ahead with the purchase of own home in Spain. During the Autumn of 2014 we spent countless hours in front of the computer online, looking for that perfect vacation home. We decided on some criteria that were important to us in our new home and made a list. For example, price/budget, location, size, view, swimming pool, etc.

We bought a bank repossession with StartGroup

Due to the vast amount of properties on offer from sellers and real estate agents a like, we became quite confused. Fortunately, we received a recommendation from acquaintances in Norway, that we should contact Christofer Fogelberg at StartGroup. We were told that he was a serious, competent and reliable real estate agent. We contacted him via email and got an immediate response. He received our list of criteria and lists we had made with potential relevant properties. He came back to us with feedback with regards to our lists and in addition, he came with additional realistic and possible options. We agreed on a date for viewings right before Christmas. Christofer gave us a very warm welcome and had planned the house viewings very carefully, so that we could get a look at all of the homes during one day. It turned out that many of the ads we had seen online in advance, were quite different when seen in reality. With help from StartGroup and a recommendation from Christofer, we are today happy owners of a holiday home. The acquisition was not particularly easy, as the property was a bank repossession. We wish to thank Christopher for his patience and good help throughout the entire purchase process. We felt right from the start that we were confident in him and felt safe and cared for throughout the entire purchase process. He possesses a lot of knowledge and history of the region and we would give our highest recommendations to anyone who is in the same situation as we were. Finally, we would also like to thank the rest of the gang at StartGroup for good assistance.

Kind regards, Gro och Gerardo, Norway

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